Chapter 11. Testing


Programs today are far larger and more complex than in Maurice Wilkes's time, and a great deal of effort has been spent on techniques to make this complexity manageable. Two techniques in particular stand out for their effectiveness:

  1. Routine peer review of programs before they are deployed.
  2. Testing.

Testing, by which we implicitly mean automated testing, is the practice of writing small programs that check that the code under test (the production code) behaves as expected for certain inputs, which are usually either carefully chosen to exercise certain features or randomized to ensure broad coverage.


Go's approach to testing is rather low-tech in. It relies on one command, go test, and a set of conventions for writing test functions that go test can run. The comparatively lightweight mechanism is effective for pure testing, and it extends naturally to benchmarks and systematic examples for documentation.

In practice, writing test code is not much different from writing the original program itself. We write short functions that focus on one part of the task. We have to be careful of boundary conditions, think about data structures, and reason about what results a computation should produce from suitable inputs. But this is the same process as writing ordinary Go code.

The go test Tool

The go test subcommand is a test driver for Go packages that are organized according to certain conventions. In a package directory, files whose names end with _test.go are not part of the package ordinarily built by go build but are a part of it when built by go test.

Within *_test.go files, three kinds of functions are treated specially: tests, benchmarks, and examples.

The go test tool scans the *_test.go files for these special functions, generates a temporary main package that calls them all in the proper way, builds and runs it, reports the results, and then cleans up.

Test Functions

Each test file must import the testing package. Test functions have the following signature:

func TestName(t *testing.T) {
    // ...

Test function names must begin with Test; the optional suffix Name must begin with a capital letter:

func TestSin(t *testing.T) { /* ... */ }
func TestCos(t *testing.T) { /* ... */ }
func TestLog(t *testing.T) { /* ... */ }

The t parameter provides methods for reporting test failures and logging additional information.

For example, the package contains a single function IsPalindrome that reports whether a string reads the same forward and backward.

// Package word provides utilities for word games.
package word

// IsPalindrome reports whether s reads the same forward and backward.
// (Our first attempt.)
func IsPalindrome(s string) bool {
    for i := range s {
        if s[i] != s[len(s)-1-i] {
            return false
    return true

In the same directory, the file word_test.go contains two test functions named TestPalindrome and TestNonPalindrome. Each checks that IsPalindrome gives the right answer for a single input and reports failures using t.Error:

package word

import "testing"

func TestPalindrome(t *testing.T) {
    if !IsPalindrome("detartrated") {
        t.Error(`IsPalindrome("detartrated") = false`)
    if !IsPalindrome("kayak") {
        t.Error(`IsPalindrome("kayak") = false`)

func TestNonPalindrome(t *testing.T) {
    if IsPalindrome("palindrome") {
        t.Error(`IsPalindrome("palindrome") = true`)

A go test (or go build) command with no package arguments operates on the package in the current directory. We can build and run the tests with the following command.

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go test
ok 0.008s

However, IsPalindrome cannot recognize some other palindrome strings such as "été" or "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama".

func TestFrenchPalindrome(t *testing.T) {
    if !IsPalindrome("été") {
        t.Error(`IsPalindrome("été") = false`)

func TestCanalPalindrome(t *testing.T) {
    input := "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama"
    if !IsPalindrome(input) {
        t.Errorf(`IsPalindrome(%q) = false`, input)

To avoid writing the long input string twice, we use Errorf, which provides formatting like Printf.

When the two new tests have been added, the go test command fails with informative error messages.

$ go test
--- FAIL: TestFrenchPalindrome (0.00s)
word_test.go:28: IsPalindrome("été") = false
--- FAIL: TestCanalPalindrome (0.00s)
word_test.go:35: IsPalindrome("A man, a plan, a canal: Panama") = false

As a bonus, running go test is usually quicker than manually going through the steps described in the bug report, allowing us to iterate more rapidly. If the test suite contains many slow tests, we may make even faster progress if we're selective about which ones we run.

The -v flag prints the name and execution time of each test in the package:

$ go test -v
=== RUN TestPalindrome
--- PASS: TestPalindrome (0.00s)
=== RUN TestNonPalindrome
--- PASS: TestNonPalindrome (0.00s)
=== RUN TestFrenchPalindrome
--- FAIL: TestFrenchPalindrome (0.00s)
word_test.go:28: IsPalindrome("été") = false
=== RUN TestCanalPalindrome
--- FAIL: TestCanalPalindrome (0.00s)
word_test.go:35: IsPalindrome("A man, a plan, a canal: Panama") = false
exit status 1
FAIL 0.017s

The -run flag, whose argument is a regular expression, causes go test to run only those tests whose function name matches the pattern:

$ go test -v -run="French|Canal"
=== RUN TestFrenchPalindrome
--- FAIL: TestFrenchPalindrome (0.00s)
word_test.go:28: IsPalindrome("été") = false
=== RUN TestCanalPalindrome
--- FAIL: TestCanalPalindrome (0.00s)
word_test.go:35: IsPalindrome("A man, a plan, a canal: Panama") = false
exit status 1

Once we've gotten the selected tests to pass, we should invoke go test with no flags to run the entire test suite one last time before we commit the change.

A quick investigation reveals the cause of the first bug to be IsPalindrome's use of byte sequences, not rune sequences, so that non-ASCII characters such as the é in "été" confuse it. The second bug arises from not ignoring spaces, punctuation, and letter case.

Then we rewrite the function more carefully:

// Package word provides utilities for word games.
package word

import "unicode"

// IsPalindrome reports whether s reads the same forward and backward.
// Letter case is ignored, as are non-letters.
func IsPalindrome(s string) bool {
    var letters []rune
    for _, r := range s {
        if unicode.IsLetter(r) {
            letters = append(letters, unicode.ToLower(r))
    for i := range letters {
        if letters[i] != letters[len(letters)-1-i] {
            return false
    return true

We also write a more comprehensive set of test cases that combines all the previous ones and a number of new ones into a table.

func TestIsPalindrome(t *testing.T) {
    var tests = []struct {
        input string
        want  bool
        {"", true},
        {"a", true},
        {"aa", true},
        {"ab", false},
        {"kayak", true},
        {"detartrated", true},
        {"A man, a plan, a canal: Panama", true},
        {"Evil I did dwell; lewd did I live.", true},
        {"Able was I ere I saw Elba", true},
        {"été", true},
        {"Et se resservir, ivresse reste.", true},
        {"palindrome", false}, // non-palindrome
        {"desserts", false},   // semi-palindrome
    for _, test := range tests {
        if got := IsPalindrome(test.input); got != test.want {
            t.Errorf("IsPalindrome(%q) = %v", test.input, got)

The new tests pass:

$ go test
ok 0.015s

This style of table-driven testing (see also TableDrivenTests) is very common in Go. It is straightforward to add new table entries as needed.

The output of a failing test does not include the entire stack trace at the moment of the call to t.Errorf. Nor does t.Errorf cause a panic or stop the execution of the test, unlike assertion failures in many test frameworks for other languages. Tests are independent of each other. If an early entry in the table causes the test to fail, later table entries will still be checked, and thus we may learn about multiple failures during a single run.

When we really must stop a test function, perhaps because some initialization code failed or to prevent a failure already reported from causing a confusing cascade of others, we use t.Fatal or t.Fatalf. These must be called from the same goroutine as the Test function, not from another one created during the test.

Test failure messages are usually of the form "f(x) = y, want z", where f(x) explains the attempted operation and its input, y is the actual result, and z the expected result:

Randomized Testing

Table-driven tests are convenient for checking that a function works on inputs which are carefully selected to exercise interesting cases in the logic. Another approach, randomized testing, explores a broader range of inputs by constructing inputs at random.

How do we know what output to expect from our function, given a random input? There are two strategies:

  1. Write an alternative implementation of the function that uses a less efficient but simpler and clearer algorithm, and check that both implementations give the same result.
  2. Create input values according to a pattern so that we know what output to expect.

The example below uses the second approach: the randomPalindrome function generates words that are known to be palindromes by construction.

import "math/rand"

// randomPalindrome returns a palindrome whose length and contents
// are derived from the pseudo-random number generator rng.
func randomPalindrome(rng *rand.Rand) string {
    n := rng.Intn(25) // random length up to 24
    runes := make([]rune, n)
    for i := 0; i < (n+1)/2; i++ {
      r := rune(rng.Intn(0x1000)) // random rune up to '\u0999'
      runes[i] = r
      runes[n-1-i] = r
    return string(runes)

func TestRandomPalindromes(t *testing.T) {
    // Initialize a pseudo-random number generator.
    seed := time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()
    t.Logf("Random seed: %d", seed)
    rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
    for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
      p := randomPalindrome(rng)
      if !IsPalindrome(p) {
        t.Errorf("IsPalindrome(%q) = false", p)

Since randomized tests are nondeterministic, it is critical the failing test logs sufficient information to reproduce the failure. In the above example, the input p to IsPalindrome is all we need to know, but for functions that accept more complex inputs, it may be simpler to log the seed of the pseudo-random number generator (as we do above) than to dump the entire input data structure. With that seed value, we can easily modify the test to replay the failure deterministically.

By using the current time as a source of randomness, the test will explore novel inputs each time it is run, over the entire course of its lifetime. This is especially valuable if your project uses an automated system to run all its tests periodically.

Testing a Command

The go test tool is useful for testing library packages. We can use it to test commands as well. A package named main ordinarily produces an executable program, but it can also be imported as a library.

Consider the echo program of Section 2.3.2. The program is split into two functions: echo does the real work, while main parses and reads the flag values and reports any errors returned by echo.

// Echo prints its command-line arguments.
package main

import (

var (
    n = flag.Bool("n", false, "omit trailing newline")
    s = flag.String("s", " ", "separator")

var out io.Writer = os.Stdout // modified during testing

func main() {
    if err := echo(!*n, *s, flag.Args()); err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "echo: %v\n", err)

func echo(newline bool, sep string, args []string) error {
    fmt.Fprint(out, strings.Join(args, sep))
    if newline {
    return nil

We will write a test:

The test is in file echo_test.go:

package main

import (

func TestEcho(t *testing.T) {
    var tests = []struct {
        newline bool
        sep     string
        args    []string
        want    string
        {true, "", []string{}, "\n"},
        {false, "", []string{}, ""},
        {true, "\t", []string{"one", "two", "three"}, "one\ttwo\tthree\n"},
        {true, ",", []string{"a", "b", "c"}, "a,b,c\n"},
        {false, ":", []string{"1", "2", "3"}, "1:2:3"},

    for _, test := range tests {
        descr := fmt.Sprintf("echo(%v, %q, %q)",
            test.newline, test.sep, test.args)

        out = new(bytes.Buffer) // captured output
        if err := echo(test.newline, test.sep, test.args); err != nil {
            t.Errorf("%s failed: %v", descr, err)
        got := out.(*bytes.Buffer).String()
        if got != test.want {
            t.Errorf("%s = %q, want %q", descr, got, test.want)

Notice that the test code is in the same package as the production code. Although the package name is main and it defines a main function, during testing this package acts as a library that exposes the function TestEcho to the test driver; its main function is ignored. By organizing the test as a table, we can easily add new test cases. Let's see what happens when the test fails, by adding this line to the table:

{true, ",", []string{"a", "b", "c"}, "a b c\n"}, // NOTE: wrong expectation!

go test prints:

$ go test
--- FAIL: TestEcho (0.00s)
echo_test.go:31: echo(true, ",", ["a" "b" "c"]) = "a,b,c", want "a b c\n"
FAIL 0.006s

The error message describes the attempted operation (using Go-like syntax), the actual behavior, and the expected behavior, in that order. With an informative error message such as this, you may have a pretty good idea about the root cause before you've even located the source code of the test.

It's important that code being tested not call log.Fatal or os.Exit, since these will stop the process in its tracks; calling these functions should be regarded as the exclusive right of main. If something totally unexpected happens and a function panics, the test driver will recover, though the test will be considered a failure. Expected errors such as those resulting from bad user input, missing files, or improper configuration should be reported by returning a non-nil error value. However, our echo example is so simple that it will never return a non-nil error.

White-Box Testing

We can categorize tests by the level of knowledge required for the internal workings of the package under test:

The two approaches are complementary:

In the previous examples:

While developing TestEcho, we modified the echo function to use the package-level variable out when writing its output, so that the test could replace the standard output with an alternative implementation that records the data for later inspection. Using the same technique, we can replace other parts of the production code with easy-to-test "fake" implementations. The advantage of fake implementations is that they can be simpler to configure, more predictable, more reliable, and easier to observe. They can also avoid undesirable side effects such as updating a production database or charging a credit card.

The code below shows the quota-checking logic in a web service that provides networked storage to users. When users exceed 90% of their quota, the system sends them a warning email.

package storage

import (

func bytesInUse(username string) int64 { return 0 /* ... */ }

// Email sender configuration.
// NOTE: never put passwords in source code!
const sender = "[email protected]"
const password = "correcthorsebatterystaple"
const hostname = ""

const template = `Warning: you are using %d bytes of storage,
%d%% of your quota.`

func CheckQuota(username string) {
    used := bytesInUse(username)
    const quota = 1000000000 // 1GB
    percent := 100 * used / quota
    if percent < 90 {
        return // OK
    msg := fmt.Sprintf(template, used, percent)
    auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", sender, password, hostname)
    err := smtp.SendMail(hostname+":587", auth, sender,
        []string{username}, []byte(msg))
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("smtp.SendMail(%s) failed: %s", username, err)

However, we don't want the test to send out real email. We can move the email logic into its own function and store that function in an unexported package-level variable, notifyUser.

var notifyUser = func(username, msg string) {
    auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", sender, password, hostname)
    err := smtp.SendMail(hostname+":587", auth, sender,
        []string{username}, []byte(msg))
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("smtp.SendEmail(%s) failed: %s", username, err)

func CheckQuota(username string) {
    used := bytesInUse(username)
    const quota = 1000000000 // 1GB
    percent := 100 * used / quota
    if percent < 90 {
        return // OK
    msg := fmt.Sprintf(template, used, percent)
    notifyUser(username, msg)

We can now write a test that substitutes a simple fake notification mechanism instead of sending real email. This one records the notified user and the contents of the message.

package storage

import (

func TestCheckQuotaNotifiesUser(t *testing.T) {
    var notifiedUser, notifiedMsg string
    notifyUser = func(user, msg string) {
        notifiedUser, notifiedMsg = user, msg

    const user = "[email protected]"

    // Simulate a 980MB-used condition for this user.
    // NOTE: this differs slightly from the printed version.
    usage["[email protected]"] = 980000000

    if notifiedUser == "" && notifiedMsg == "" {
        t.Fatalf("notifyUser not called")
    if notifiedUser != user {
        t.Errorf("wrong user (%s) notified, want %s",
            notifiedUser, user)
    const wantSubstring = "98% of your quota"
    if !strings.Contains(notifiedMsg, wantSubstring) {
        t.Errorf("unexpected notification message <<%s>>, "+
            "want substring %q", notifiedMsg, wantSubstring)

There's one problem: after this test function has returned, CheckQuota no longer works as it should because it's still using the test's fake implementation of notifyUsers. (There is always a risk of this kind when updating global variables.) We must modify the test to restore the previous value so that subsequent tests observe no effect, and we must do this on all execution paths, including test failures and panics. This naturally suggests defer.

func TestCheckQuotaNotifiesUser(t *testing.T) {
    // Save and restore original notifyUser.
    saved := notifyUser
    defer func() { notifyUser = saved }()
    // Install the test's fake notifyUser.
    var notifiedUser, notifiedMsg string
    notifyUser = func(user, msg string) {
        notifiedUser, notifiedMsg = user, msg
    // of test...

This pattern can be used to do the following:

Using global variables in this way is safe only because go test does not normally run multiple tests concurrently.

External Test Packages

Consider the following packages:

The higher-level net/http depends on the lower-level net/url. However, one of the tests in net/url is an example demonstrating the interaction between URLs and the HTTP client library. In other words, a test of the lower-level package imports the higher-level package.

Figure 11.1. A test of net/url depends on net/http.

Declaring this test function in the net/url package would create a cycle in the package import graph, as depicted by the upwards arrow in figure above, but as we explained in Section 10.1, the Go specification forbids import cycles.

We resolve the problem by declaring the test function in an external test package, that is, in a file in the net/url directory whose package declaration reads package url_test. The extra suffix _test is a signal to go test that it should build an additional package containing just these files and run its tests. It may be helpful to think of this external test package as if it had the import path net/url_test, but it cannot be imported under this or any other name. See The Last Segment Convention in Chapter 10 for details.

Because external tests live in a separate package, they may import helper packages that also depend on the package being tested; an in-package test cannot do this. In terms of the design layers, the external test package is logically higher up than both of the packages it depends upon, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 11.2. External test packages break dependency cycles.

By avoiding import cycles, external test packages allow tests, especially integration tests (which test the interaction of several components), to import other packages freely, exactly as an application would.

We can use the go list tool to summarize Go source files in a package directory to determine if they are one of the following: production code in-package tests * external tests.

Use the fmt package as an example:

GoFiles is the list of files that contain the production code; these are the files that go build will include in your application:

$ go list -f={{.GoFiles}} fmt
[doc.go format.go print.go scan.go]

TestGoFiles is the list of files that also belong to the fmt package, but these files, whose names all end in _test.go, are included only when building tests:

$ go list -f={{.TestGoFiles}} fmt

The package's tests would usually reside in these files, though unusually fmt has none. The purpose of export_test.go in a moment.

XTestGoFiles is the list of files that constitute the external test package, fmt_test, so these files must import the fmt package in order to use it; again, they are included only during testing:

$ go list -f={{.XTestGoFiles}} fmt
[fmt_test.go scan_test.go stringer_test.go]

Sometimes an external test package may need privileged access to the internals of the package under test. For example, a white-box test must live in a separate package to avoid an import cycle. In such cases, we use a trick: we add declarations to an in-package _test.go file to expose the necessary internals to the external test. This file thus offers the test a "back door" to the package. If the source file exists only for this purpose and contains no tests itself, it is often called export_test.go.

For example, the implementation of the fmt package needs the functionality of unicode.IsSpace as part of fmt.Scanf. To avoid creating an undesirable dependency, fmt does not import the unicode package and its large tables of data; instead, it contains a simpler implementation, which it calls isSpace.

To ensure that the behaviors of fmt.isSpace and unicode.IsSpace do not drift apart, fmt prudently contains a test. It is an external test, and thus it cannot access isSpace directly, so fmt opens a back door to it by declaring an exported variable that holds the internal isSpace function. This is the entirety of the fmt package's export_test.go file.

package fmt

var IsSpace = isSpace

This test file defines no tests; it declares the exported symbol fmt.IsSpace for use by the external test. This trick can also be used whenever an external test needs to use some of the techniques of white-box testing.

Writing Effective Tests

Many newcomers to Go are surprised by the minimalism of its testing framework. Testing frameworks in other languages may provide:

Although these mechanisms can make tests very concise, the resulting tests often seem like they are written in a foreign language. Furthermore, although they may report PASS or FAIL correctly, their manner may be unfriendly to the unfortunate maintainer, with cryptic failure messages like "assert: 0 == 1" or page after page of stack traces.

However, Go expects test authors to do most of this work themselves, defining functions to avoid repetition, just as they would for ordinary programs. The process of testing is not one of rote form filling; a test has a "user interface" too, albeit one whose only users are also its maintainers.

What is a good test?

The assertion function below compares two values, constructs a generic error message, and stops the program. It's easy to use and it's correct, but when it fails, the error message is almost useless. It does not provide a good user interface.

import (

// A poor assertion function.
func assertEqual(x, y int) {
    if x != y {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("%d != %d", x, y))

func TestSplit(t *testing.T) {
    words := strings.Split("a:b:c", ":")
    assertEqual(len(words), 3)
    // ...

Assertion functions suffer from premature abstraction. It treats the failure of this particular test as a mere difference of two integers, so we forfeit the opportunity to provide meaningful context. We can provide a better message by starting from the concrete details, as in the example below.

func TestSplit(t *testing.T) {
    s, sep := "a:b:c", ":"
    words := strings.Split(s, sep)
    if got, want := len(words), 3; got != want {
        t.Errorf("Split(%q, %q) returned %d words, want %d",
            s, sep, got, want)
    // ...

In this test:

Once we've written a test like this, the natural next step is often not to define a function to replace the entire if statement, but to execute the test in a loop in which s, sep, and want vary, like the table-driven test of IsPalindrome.

The previous example didn't need any utility functions, but that shouldn't stop us from introducing functions when they help make the code simpler. (We'll look at one such utility function, reflect.DeepEqual, in Section 13.3.) The key to a good test is to start by implementing the concrete behavior that you want and only then use functions to simplify the code and eliminate repetition. Best results are rarely obtained by starting with a library of abstract, generic testing functions.