Chapter 6. Functions and Functional Programming


Parameter Passing and Return Values

Scoping Rules

Functions as Objects and Closures


A decorator is a function whose primary purpose is to wrap another function or class. The primary purpose of this wrapping is to transparently alter or enhance the behavior of the object being wrapped. Syntactically, decorators are denoted using the special @ symbol as follows:

def square(x):
    return x*x

The preceding code is shorthand for the following:

def square(x):
    return x*x
square = trace(square)

In the example, a function square() is defined. However, immediately after its definition, the function object itself is passed to the function trace(), which returns an object that replaces the original square.


Order of multiple decorators *

When decorators are used, they must appear on their own line immediately prior to a function or class definition. More than one decorator can also be applied. For example:

def grok(x):

In this case, the decorators are applied in the order listed.The result is the same as this:

def grok(x):
grok = foo(bar(spam(grok)))
Decorators with arguments *

A decorator can also accept arguments. For example:

def handle_button(msg):
    # ...
def handle_reset(msg):
    # ...

If arguments are supplied, the semantics of the decorator are as follows:

def handle_button(msg):
    # ...
temp = eventhandler('BUTTON') # Call decorator with supplied arguments
handle_button = temp(handle_button) # Call the function returned by the decorato

In this case, the decorator function only accepts the arguments supplied with the @ specifier. It then returns a function that is called with the function as an argument.

# Event handler decorator
event_handlers = { }
def eventhandler(event):
    def register_function(f):
        event_handlers[event] = f
        return f
    return register_function

Decorators can also be applied to class definitions. For example:

class Bar(object):
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.x = x
    def spam(self):
        # statements

For class decorators, you should always have the decorator function return a class object as a result. Code that expects to work with the original class definition may want to reference members of the class directly such as Bar.spam. This won’t work correctly if the decorator function foo() returns a function.

Decorators can interact strangely with other aspects of functions such as recursion, documentation strings, and function attributes. These issues are described later in this chapter.

Generators and yield

If a function uses the yield keyword, it defines an object known as a generator. A generator is a function that produces a sequence of values for use in iteration. For example:

def countdown(n):
    print("Counting down from %d" % n)
    while n > 0:
        yield n
        n -= 1

When this function is called, its code does not start executing. For example:

>>> c = countdown(10)

Instead, a generator object is returned, which executes the function whenever next() is called (or __next_ _() in Python 3). For example:

>>> # Use c.__next__() in Python 3
Counting down from 10

When next() is invoked, the generator function executes statements until it reaches a yield statement. The yield statement produces a result at which point execution of the function stops until next() is invoked again. Execution then resumes with the statement following yield.

You normally don’t call next() directly on a generator but use it with the for statement, sum(), or some other operation that consumes a sequence.

The close() method and GeneratorExit exception *

A problem with generators is the case where a generator function is only partially consumed. For example:

for n in countdown(10):
    if n == 2:

Since the for loop aborts by calling break, the associated generator never runs to full completion. To handle this case, generator objects have a method close() that is used to signal a shutdown. When a generator is no longer used or deleted, close() is called.

Though it normally not necessary to call close(), you can also call it manually as shown here:

>>> c = countdown(10)
Counting down from 10
>>> c.close()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

Inside the generator function, close() is signaled by a GeneratorExit exception occurring on the yield statement. You can optionally catch this exception to perform cleanup actions.

def countdown(n):
    print("Counting down from %d" % n)
        while n > 0:
            yield n
            n = n - 1
    except GeneratorExit:
        print("Only made it to %d" % n)

Note that:

Coroutines and yield Expressions

Inside a function, the yield statement can also be used as an expression that appears on the right side of an assignment operator. For example:

def receiver():
    print("Ready to receive")
    while True:
        n = (yield)
        print("Got %s" % n)

A function that uses yield in this manner is known as a coroutine, and it executes in response to values being sent to it. Its behavior is also very similar to a generator. For example:

>>> r = receiver()
>>> # Advance to first yield (r._ _next_ _() in Python 3)
Ready to receive
>>> r.send(1)
Got 1
>>> r.send(2)
Got 2
>>> r.send("Hello")
Got Hello

In this example:

  1. After the call to next(), the coroutine executes statements leading to the first yield expression. At this point, the coroutine suspends, waiting for a value to be sent to it using the send() method of the associated generator object r.
  2. The value passed to send() is returned by the (yield) expression in the coroutine. Upon receiving a value, a coroutine executes statements until the next yield statement is encountered.

To avoid overlooking next() on a coroutine to be called, it is recommended that coroutines be wrapped with a decorator that automatically takes care of this step.

def coroutine(func):
    def start(*args,**kwargs):
        g = func(*args,**kwargs)
        return g
    return start

Using this decorator, you would write and use coroutines using:

def receiver():
    print("Ready to receive")
    while True:
        n = (yield)
        print("Got %s" % n)
# Example use
r = receiver()
r.send("Hello World") # Note : No initial .next() needed

A coroutine will typically run indefinitely unless:

The close() method closes the stream of input values:

>>> r.close()
>>> r.send(4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

Once closed, a StopIteration exception will be raised if further values are sent to a coroutine. The close() operation raises GeneratorExit (which can be caught using except) inside the coroutine.

Raise exceptions throw() method *

Exceptions can be raised inside a coroutine using the throw(exctype [, value [, tb]]) method where exctype is an exception type, value is the exception value, and tb is a traceback object. For example:

>>> r.throw(RuntimeError, "You're hosed!")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 4, in receiver
RuntimeError: You're hosed!

Simultaneously receive and emit return values *

A coroutine may simultaneously receive and emit return values using yield if values are supplied in the yield expression. For example:

def line_splitter(delimiter=None):
    print("Ready to split")
    result = None
    while True:
        line = (yield result)
        result = line.split(delimiter)

Now calls to send() also produce a result. For example:

>>> s = line_splitter(",")
Ready to split
>>> s.send("A,B,C")
['A', 'B', 'C' ]
>>> s.send("100,200,300")
['100', '200', '300']
  1. The first next() call advances the coroutine to (yield result), which returns None, the initial value of result.
  2. On subsequent send() calls, the received value is placed in line and split into result. The value returned by send() is the value passed to the next yield statement encountered. In other words, the value returned by send() comes from the next yield expression, not the one responsible for receiving the value passed by send().

If a coroutine returns values, some care is required if exceptions raised with throw() are being handled. If you raise an exception in a coroutine using throw(), the value passed to the next yield in the coroutine will be returned as the result of throw(). If you need this value and forget to save it, it will be lost.